I am a lover of tools, and the shipwrights of Haven Boatworks have many. They use traditional tools and have tricks of the trade gleaned from the vast history of boatbuilding, but they also use power tools to expedite the overall restoration. The results are beautiful and efficient.

From top to bottom, the tools are as follows: (row 1) a combination square, a sliding bevel gauge, a hand planer; (row 2) a bevel board, a folding knife, a spiling block, a folding ruler, an awl; (row 3) two sizes of bevel gauges. The square is for measuring and being sure things are "square," i.e. at 90 degree angles. The awl is good for a lot of things, like making marks on wood or probing for rot. It is the spiling blocks, however, are curious and genius tools.

There are many other tools the shipwrights harness: pry bars, hammers, mallets, drills, sawzalls, bandsaws, table saws, chisels, slide hammers, braces, pencil sharpeners, and so on. I am continually being impressed by their talents and knowledge, and I am proud to be working alongside them during this restoration project.
The picture above is of Brad and Leland using the ship's saw to cut a futtock. Brad is careful to keep the saw abreast of his markings while Leland is changing the angle of the saw. 5 degrees, 6 degrees, 7 degrees...
Project Update
The rest of the preservation and maintenance is going well. Here is an list of some things we've done.
Project Update
The rest of the preservation and maintenance is going well. Here is an list of some things we've done.
- Continually replacing futtocks
- Removed mast wedges to check masts
- Painted anchor chain
- Completely disassembled, cleaned, and painted the Edson Patent Gyber
- Removed & replaced deck bungs
- Overhauled main-cabin stove, Lucy
- Put Dutchmen in the deck (carved out rot and put in new wood)
- Checked shaft alignment
- Overhauled bilge alarms
Pictures (top to bottom): New frames next to the old! Amazing that these futtocks have survived; Nora working under the engine; Lara clearing rot for the Dutchman; A mast wedge removed; Adam proud of his sanding on the main-cabin hatch; A pretty picture of our new futtocks against the hull